Monday, August 1, 2011


This blog began in August 2011. 
At the time I was only making about two meals a week for the Mr. and I. 
Most of those meals were being repeated due to laziness, and the fear of trying something new.
One day when updating my good 'ol fashioned recipe book, I realized how many recipes I collected that hadn't even been attempted yet.
It was clear that something needed to change!

I started with a goal to cook at least one new recipe a week. To keep track of the food I cooked/baked, I would take pictures.
I thought photographs of the food would be a real nice touch to my recipe book.
I was sharing this idea with my sister, Jess. She suggested I make a recipe blog. Of course! She's so brilliant. 
So I ditched my original plan and started a recipe blog.
These recipes are from all over; my childhood, cherished ones that have graciously been given to me, ones I've stumbled upon, and a few of my very own.  

This blog helps me keep track of the food I've made, it motivates me to keep trying new recipes, and it makes sharing my recipes a little bit easier.
[Just to set things straight, and answer a couple of common questions...
The pictures you see on this blog are ones that I have taken, of a dish that I have made, that I have tasted and approved of. 
I've tried a fair amount of failed recipes or some that were simply nasty, but rest assured, I never post any of those.]
Welcome! Steal as many recipes as you'd like, feel free to post comments/suggestions, and enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic idea, Rachel! Please update frequently, I would love to see what you post! I could use some good new recipes as well :) I hope you are doing good!
